Apricot Trees

It was so sad to say goodbye to Snowy and the other blippers in Wanaka today but I guess all good things have to come to an end.  On our drive back to Queenstown I asked CCN if we could call by the Apricot Trees at Cromwell.  Thanks to Wipasnapa I knew what I was blipping today :-)

As I did yesterday I have loaded this image just as it came out of the camera.  I just wanted to share the brilliance of the colours.  As you can see these trees are just towering over CCN.  I think all blippers can do with a blip partner like CCN - so patient and co-operative - beyond the call of duty at times.

PS - Just had a great chat to Jen (Newcastle Downunder) and we're already planning our trip next year!  You kiwis won't be able to keep us away!!

Thanks again to Snowy, Cycling Granny, Tussocktales, Travelling Kiwi and Mumma Hen for your wonderful and heartfelt hospitality.  I know that every visiting blipper would share my sentiments when I say it has to be the best blip meet ever held on planet earth.  Lots of love and best wishes to all of you from Walking Wombat and CCN.

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