
I've learned that I have to be flexible.  I have to just go with the flow as much as possible.  It is the only way to keep my sanity.  It's been such a week of bad news all around me.  Nothing that affects me directly...but lots of things happening to those I care about.  I just keep on moving forward....thinking positive, and trying to share those positive vibes. 

I enjoyed watching Sugar Bear rehearse for her school Talent Show.  She is flexible.....indeed.  She is performing a dance piece that she has choreographed herself.  I'm trying to keep my opinions and ideas to myself...so it will be all her.  

Last minute...one of her little friend's mom couldn't make it, so I kept an eye on her, and took the girls out for some frozen yogurt afterwards.  I delivered the friend back to her mom, and we headed on home to pick up The Hubby, and some pizza.  Whew...so glad it is Friday.

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