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Frost last night and the spuds and gunnera are looking very sorry for themselves and an even colder night forecast today.Wild windy weather, the blossom leaving a pink carpet inside and out!

I've been hard at it today and think the corrections re book are now just about done. We zoomed over to Rossbrin to collect a printout from my pal Finola who has cast her beady and impressively accurate eye over proceedings and her suggestions have also been attended to. Himself has a few things left to do, then we send the stuff off and await a final proof from the printers (Amazon). Nearly there!

There was much interest over the forth-coming tightrope walking wedding in Wookey Hole!  Here is the mad  happy couple   and here they are in action (scroll down to The First Steps in Equilibrius)! Will the minister/registrar have to get up there with them?? Dress code is old school circus! Simone went off with a pair of my lace up boots and a paisley shawl, while son#2 is considering pinstripe trousers and braces.

Today's blip spotted on the way back from Rossbrin - a vintage postbox now rather alluringly claimed by nature.

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