
By SingleSnapShots

Bag of sweets

Day 2; dating statistics

Number of men who like me: 24
Number of men I like: 6
Number of men who've viewed me: 105
Messages: 3 (from the same guy)
Dates: 0

There is a bit of a temptation with internet dating to rush in, ticking everyone, and haphazardly emailing in an excitable frenzy. It's like eating too many sweets on a rainy Sunday, just because you can. You can overdose on the possibilities, and as a result get a bit giddy with the options, casting aspersions to the wind, throwing the net out a bit wider. You end up chatting because you like chatting.. Sort of thing.

After my first 'trawl' last night I must have been online a bit too long, and someone out there thought they'd capitalise on my obvious keenness. It was one of those you can pretty much write off straight away. I'm not particularly drawn to faceless strangers who refer to me as 'babe' on first interaction so i politely ignored him. But this only appeared to increase his intrigue. I replied this time, but apparently he didn't appreciate being told he wasn't my type, and sent a rather angry response.

Sometimes it's best to say nothing I've learned. Don't have a sweet just because you can, think of your teeth.

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