Sunday In the Mountains

Great, great day, this Sunday. We headed into the Cascades for a Sunday adventure. First stop was Whitewater Creek where Kirby channeled his inner pup, splashing, swimming, even scaling logs to follow me and my photographic pursuits. We ate lunch at the Marion Forks Restaurant, high in the mountains, then headed to chilly Clear Lake. We hiked, Kirby swam some more, then we drove down into Sweet Home (scary), Lebanon, then up I-5 to Salem and home. We got a lot of mileage out of a quote we heard on NPR and a story about faith healing: "That scoliosis...that's 100 percent DE-monic." You know how you have to have a quote or some silly saying to see you through a road trip? That one was ours today. DE-monic.

Great day. Great hiking buddies, great mountains, great state.

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