On Some Days

By V1k1

Pottery ...Fire Mono Monday

The internet told me that fire is the element that cannot exist in a natural state like the other elements air, water & earth can.  It can only be seen & felt when it consumes something else.
Gazing into a fire is always a captivating experience for me. I think of more primitive times when people used it to warm their homes, cook their food, and sat around it when darkness fell to tell stories.  Our fire box consumes dry, native wood and produces heat, light and a little ash and smoke.
The objects on the table are all made by New Zealand potters.  The firing in the kiln has transformed the clay from its original pliable state to these objects of beauty and usefulness.
It is pouring with rain today and gazing into the fire while curled up with a book may be a good plan for the rest of the afternoon.  
Thank you to notowennewit  Peter Bourne for hosting the monomonday this month.  I have considered the elements and enjoyed having to make an image to match.

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