Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench


Skye is so lovely, but we had the sunshine. Up to Portree for a Boat Trip first thing where we were blessed with amazing encounters with Sea Eagles hunting, soaring, flying, watching us, resting and Sam spotted porpoises and birds of all kinds. Even a massive fox with a toushtie white tail on the hillside.

Straight off the boat and a dash up the coast to get to the dinosaur footprints at Staffin before they were covered by the tides. Quick stop at the crazy whistling waterfall and then we finally found the footprints on the sandstone beds, made 175 million years ago which I can't get my head round and when the area was an exotic estuary. There were fossilised mussel beds and just mind boggling stones everywhere. The footprints were discovered after a huge Atlantic storm the year Sam was born.

Round the coast we went, past the Old Man of Storr, then round to the most beautiful lighthouse off the beaten track and only accessible on foot down and up some hills to the cliffs and water edge at Neist Point Lighthouse. Sun was blazing and the smallest, fluffiness, whitest new born lambs (thanks for the pics Sam) were courie'in' in with their mums, while those a few weeks older were leaping like there was no tomorrow.

Back on the homeward drive to the hotel, after 13 hours giving it laldy seeing as much as we can. Bit of excitement with a mental looking bird of prey on the way back, hen harrier or marsh harrier, not too sure, the promise of a stone fired pizza was making me focus on food by that point. Perhaps a wee bit too much as I took I'll when we got back to the hotel, but it was over as soon as it started.

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