
By Newme

A good honest photo!

I admit I'm a photo tinkerer! If I have my DSLR to hand (very rare these days which I tell myself off regularly for!), a wash through Photoshop on the laptop is normally a natural step. Many photographers do fact, it's weird not to nowadays especially if playing in RAW format.

However, I've found myself playing around with iPhone photo manipulation apps more and more with my iPhone quick snaps but it feels...different! Is it right or wrong to do so? It feels a little trashy to select a preset sepia/warm and then target a site and go a bit quick retro or whatever the current App calls 'tarting and smarting' up a picture.

I'm no photo snob but I wonder how it looks to the outside viewer. I feel I should stop but the geek in me is still very impressed with the camera quality of the phone and the quality of the technology ON the phone to do these tricks!

So today, I've posted just a good honest picture of a a day out with the kids and their mum.

Thoughts on phone photo software and the outcome of using this software? Very interested to hear! :)

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