In Transition

By FSmac

Helped out at the Farmers Market, the day went very well, quite busy. A little later on I dropped my son off at the leisure centre for football  and went for a drive to take some photos while the sun was out, in between the hails showers.  Quite difficult to take some of them as it was a bit breezy and hard to keep the camera steady, I crouched down in front of the car, out of the breeze, to take this one.

This is the back of what used to be the Uyeasound shop, many years ago, now only half is used as a home, out the front is the old Uyeasound pier. 

The Chinese take away people came up to the island this afternoon so we had to drive back this way later on, I wasn't too fussed but the young one doesn't like to miss the opportunity for some Chinese.  What he has really craved lately is a KFC but as the nearest one is in Aberdeen he will have to wait a while longer.

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