The day...

..... a brown haired, brown eyed boy charmed his way into my daughter's heart. His name was Fizz.

5years 186days 
Today has been one of Katie's "epic" days. She started it with a ballet lesson. She did a ballet exam. She did a modern lesson 2 grades above her. She had a piano lesson and was fabulous. She gets very excitable at her lessons! She got her first piano music book (she is VERY excited about that). THEN she had her first riding lesson!! One of her best friends from school had a group riding lesson party. They started off grooming the horses/ponies. During this time, Katie and Fizz began to bond. She was insistent it was him she wanted to ride. They then had an hour's riding lesson. I have to admit, I expected a basically glorified pony ride, like at summer fairs. It totally wasn't. It was a proper lesson and we couldn't believe how much they did in the hour. Katie when she was trotting was just hilarious. She laughed so hard! And when they were stationary, she kept giving Fizz gorgeous pats and kisses. They had a party tea and pass the parcel before all getting a rosette. They then all had an apple and a pack of polos for the horses/ponies. They were told they could all go feed their own pony the apples and then if they wanted to share the polos out with the others, they could. Katie happily fed Fizz the apple - it took him five efforts to get it, then he bit it three times. She fed him some polos very happily. Someone suggested she go to give another some. She tried, but was much less confident. She went straight back to Fizz and was so happily giving him them! A new friendship has been formed. The riding school does a 3 hour "Mini Pony Club" which is actually very good value compared to the cost of riding lessons, so we have promised the girls we will arrange a summer holiday treat. 

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