Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Pepê portrait ...

You really can't tell he has no eyes can you ??
The way he attached himself to a few other dogs this week in a sexual manner also makes people amazed he is eyeless as he homes in on his target with such precision it's alarming !

Here is my rant .... It has transpired that blip central have introduced a new feature ... It sounds like a fine feature of the odd extra photo to upload a day if you wish ... BUT WAIT... The bitching and moaning has begun... In a whiney tone 'but I only want to upload a photo a day.. This is making it like a flikr' ... And 'but it's loosing its essence '

OH SHUT UP !!! Just post one sodding picture a day and SHUT.UP .. Listen to yourselves .. You sound like children ... Whine whine whine ... If you don't like it LEAVE.
Blip still exists and that for me is the most important thing.

PS .. Pepê had just had a bath as he rolls in stinky stuff x

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