Grateful Celebrations

Read this today in Simplify, by Bill Hybels, re the words from the 1965 No. 1 hit, Turn, Turn, Turn (the lyrics are from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible), talking about the need to be fully present in whatever season we're in. If mourning, then mourn fully; but if dancing, then dance with all your heart:

"Scripture is ripe with descriptions of seasons of dancing. The Old Testament is packed with detailed instructions for festivities and celebrations that God not only permitted but mandated. God is by nature joyful and celebratory, and he gives us full permission for wholehearted, joy-filled seasons of dancing....In the course of your lifetime, you will pass through countless seasons of dancing. Don't let them slip by unnoticed. If you're in such a season, dance! Mark the events of your life with celebration."

So - we chilled a bottle of bubbly and went to D & S's house to celebrate: their 2nd Anniversary and Zion's 11 months tomorrow, and us being approved for Portugal, and really, so many other things that we've let slide by without expressing our gratitude.

(And isn't this new feature of extra photos brilliant? Thus, you can also see our kids, under D & S's cherry tree.)

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