Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Today the bits that I missed from his haircut yesterday are rather obvious. In fact, he looks a bit rat-baggy… From his half shorn tail, to one side of his ‘skirt’ longer than the other… Still - he doesn’t care a jot. But I felt I should apologise to a fellow schnauzer owner we were chatting to.  He had the most gorgeous wee female, Maisie - Archie looked like a big gallumph next to her. Still, next time it will be better, not so ‘tufty’.

I got up and took Archie out for a morning walk about 8.30. But then, after breakfast, I went back to bed to ‘read’. Archie has taken to jumping back on the bed once he’s had his walk and his breakfast. He likes to lie right on my chest, then lean his head back on to my face. This is fine, we can both snooze for hours like this. Except that if there is a noise, like the postman opening the gate, he will suddenly sit bolt upright which, in my reverie, never fails to startle me!

We eventually got organised once the rain had gone and blue skies appeared. We took Archie up the Hill. I haven’t been up there for days, but was well wrapped up against any wind.

I did a long shot of the new tufty Archie today, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

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