A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The Communist Petit Fours

Turns out I had inadvertently booked us to have dinner in the place where Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto. I'm not sure he would entirely approve of all they have done with the place since; the strawberry champagne cocktail he may have let slip but the chocolate foie gras lollipops might be a step too far. They were for me. Though the raspberry custardy thing at the far end was delicious. As had been the cactus sorbet before. And indeed all the advertised and the bonus not advertised courses, which are kind of my favourite. I know they have worked it into the price of our meal but I still feel like I'm getting a present every time one arrives.

The evening started with a drink in the bar of our favourite hotel in Brussels that we are not staying in as they only had suites available and then we would have had to bring our own sandwiches. And ended with a drink in a bar that had a longer beer menu than spirits list.

Before all this there had been a day of work but after a week of much interaction with actual people it was rather lovely to find myself a quiet little coffee shop and hide in the corner tapping away. And I did treat myself to lunch in the sunshine in the Grand Place.

Carl travelled out this evening and now we are set for the weekend. Well we are now he has found me. I texted him our room number - 540. To receive a reply that there was no 540 as the rooms went from 1-539 and then 5001 - 5500. Well they do in an entirely different hotel.

Lesley x

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