Pixel H

By PixelH

Moving day.

Emma and Andy are making the move. Again. 7 moves in 7 years, all around about October time. We have been involved in one previous to this. And that one didn't involve stairs. You would think that well seasoned movers would understand the need to streamline the amount of things they have in order to reduce the amount of time and effort needed to actually move.

The move went smoothly though although there were a few scary moments when the Luton van got caught in strong winds and we had to find a new route to avoid taking it over bridges.

Even after all the lugging of boxes, furniture, years worth of New Scientist and fairy wings Emma still found the strength and enough cooking utensils to make us all a lovely dinner followed by homemade lemon pie. She's a wonder woman. The beer and champagne went down very well after that.

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