One for Hobie

Well, what a terrifying day indeed. Thank god I didn't go to school otherwise I'd be in tears...
Woke up this morning to no one being in the house, which is pretty normal, and went downstairs to get my breakfast. All seems fine. Then went up to visit my grandmother to take some photos for her and suggested I go and make some lunch for us and bring it back.
I hadn't seen Hobie all morning because he's normally under the car sleeping but after calling over and over again and having no reply, I got a little worried and went outside and he wasn't there so I went shouting about the place...
I found him right at the end of the garden, with a wire stuck right round his foot and it his foot had swollen so much that I couldn't even see the wire. I rushed inside and called my parents to come up and help and went back outside to stand for an hour and half in the blistering heat, singing and hugging him, repeatedly telling him he should stop thinking he's a goat.
When my parents eventually got home my dad cut the wire enough to get him unhooked from the fence and my mom and I rushed to the vets.
He's alright now,but they said if he had stayed there any longer he would have lost his foot (he had been there for a few hours twisting around) and he probably would have died from the heat, but I did get him his pillow and an umbrella for shade.
Anyway he's feeling quite dandy now, just a bit drugged up from the anesthetic.

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