Another Day, Another Hedge

After dropping off the Little Misses I headed straight to the gym. For twenty minutes of moderate activity a high intensity cardio workout. I felt all smug energised afterwards!
After lunch - back on the mushroom and asparagus omelettes! - I went back into school for my gardening session with the Reception classes. I felt a bit like a prison officer as I made them dig out stones in one of the beds!! We planted wildflower seeds in yogurt pots (and then watered them so thoroughly that I'll be surprised if anything manages to survive!) And I spotted a horse chestnut sapling about six inches high so I dug that up with them and put it in a pot for them to "look after"  I hope it survives! I love the idea of it growing and being there long after the Little Misses have left!
I hung round until Miss E had finished and then we headed over to gymnastics. While Miss E was doing whatever she does in there Miss L and I listened to fairy stories and she practised writing her letters in one of her many, many, many activity books. Ha ha, an hour of copying out the alphabet - I'm such a fun Mummy!!!!
She was hilarious keeping up a running commentary: I think that's the best one ever, Mummy do you think that's the best "s" ever? This one's definitely the best ever, Mummy look at this "a" it's the best one I've ever done........
McDonalds and home. Their chips smelt amazing but I didn't even steal one.
I just drank my tea and thought bitter thoughts!!!

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