Gaining and losing

Today could have verged on horrendous, luckily it didn't.
Night. Hideous. Still unsettled at 1:30am!

Lee left me in bed this morning as I was utterly drained from the night. Came down around eight.

Womsie had a sleep, then Munchie crashed on the sofa. Womsie woke, then went hysterical. Sobbing his little heart out. Woke Munchie.

Health visitor came to do Woms 9 month review (he's a year old next week) he was on top form. She measured weighed him etc and his growth is pretty perfect. Munchie was also weighed, she has lost weight, nothing to be alarmed about, but still lost.

Popped to blue shop (boots) to get supplies of drugs (vira soothe, mousse stuff, piriton, paracetamol (for me) and a new hairbrush for munch in a desperate attempt to get her to let us brush her hair!) home

Swimming mummies came to play this afternoon. Lots of giggles, quite a few tears from Munchie as everything just seemed too much for her today.

Baths done
Drugs dispensed

Already cancelled Friday plans, don't know what to do about Saturday plans - conflicting messages out there about when they aren't / are contagious. GP health visitors pharmacist have all given me same advice but then there are the 'others' out there who seem to contradict everything!

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