St George, his cross & children

Happy St George's Day one and all, the feast day of the patron Saint of England ..... and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania Russia and Serbia.
Strange how we have a patron Saint who was from Turkey (or possibly Palestine) and never set foot in England. St George hails from the 3rd century AD. Born into a Christian family he Became a Roman soldier, protested against Rome's persecution of Christians, was imprisoned and tortured, but stayed true to his faith. He was beheaded at Lydda in Palestine.
Apparently, in addition to a host of countries, good old St George is also the patron saint of immigrants, refugees, leprosy, plague, skin diseases, agricultural workers, archers, butchers, cavalry, chivalry, farmers, horsemen, horses, knights, saddle makers, sheep, shepherds, soldiers & boy scouts.
Today I've been in school talking about St George, his cross and other crosses from around the world. After talking to children I listened to their views, and videoed their responses to questions such as;
When do you feel close to God?
What should the church be doing today?
What advice would you give to church leaders?
God is ........ ?
The church is .......... ?
Fascinating hearing their views.

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