The Birds

The day started well with some bright sunny spells and warm but it clouded over at lunchtime and had some drizzle showers this evening.

Another busy day in the office scanning old photos and updating information.  Also been helping out Ian with donations too.  I met up with Brian at lunchtime and I was planning a walk but it was too windy and overcast, sitting seemed a better option :)
I've been working in the pub again tonight but Wednesdays are my early finish and now me time with feet up with the telly :)

We see a huge variety of objects coming and going from the museum and everyday there's always something old/new and different to speak about :)  Dr Ian Tait, my boss, was needing a hand to help move some of these stuffed birds that have just arrived into the museum.  I can't say I'm fond of them but some may have an interest in these old birds that were stuffed in the 1920s.  I'm always wary of these old stuffed animals, they used to use anthrax and mercury to preserve them, lethal stuff!  Taken in the Shetland Museum's learning room, Lerwick. 

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