The Comfort of Food

There are days in all of our lives when we yearn for the culinary equivalent of a favorite sweater, a loving hug, a comfy blanket. We need food in order to stay alive, but food provides more than calories, vitamins, and minerals, and the food that delivers this gastronomic embrace best of all, is "comfort food".

Naturally, comfort food will vary greatly from person to person and from season to season. For me, there is nothing more comforting, more satisfying than a simple meal, such as the braised pork and tofu pictured above, served with steaming, fragrant Jasmine rice. The sweet scent that fills the kitchen as the rice boils is enough to bring my nerves down a few notches. The warmth of the soft rice as you swallow it feels like a heating pad from the inside out. A meal such as this brings both tactile and emotional comfort - and it tastes good, too!

I'd be interested to hear what food brings comfort to YOU? 

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