Return to the North

By Viking

Abbey Road Kiwi style

Went up to Nelson after work today. TeeJay had an 'appointment' and so I hitched a ride and a bed for the night at her sisters. This meant that I could pick up some boots that had been at the cobblers as well as have a nosey around while she was otherwise engaged.
After she got out we headed in to our favourite Italian restaurant for a divine pizza and then up to the cathedral for some night shots. On the road in front of the cathedral is a zebra crossing. I stood for some time taking shots of passing cars on long exposure but I blipped that the other night in the heady fast lanes of Murch so had to do something else.
Hey presto - how about me crosing the zebra crossing? So here is my ghostly legs crossing the road on a long exposure. It kind of reminds me of The Beatles and Abbey Road, hence the title.
I'd also like to say it is ' the shadow of the former me' but that's a bit cryptic for here.

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