
By briocarioca

What are you staring at?

Up at the crack of dawn today, to see if younger daughter wanted me to look through her dissertation before she handed it in. However, as it turned out, she had stayed up all night and delivered it, two or three hundred words short of target, when she found she was just staring at the screen and not writing anything. With the four-hour difference, that meant she went to bed 10 minutes before I got up.
The consolation was that I had a lovely time wandering round the garden, bird watching. None of them obliged by coming close enough for a good shot, but it was fun hearing different songs and seeing one or two newcomers. And for the first time, I saw a bird actually eating a pawpaw skin I had put out on the bird bath.

Yesterday's and today's blips seem to have changed places - too much hassle to change them back just now. 

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