After months of preparation Captain Crow was ready to set sail.

i shall gloss over the lack of water which marred the start of the day. Thank you Scottish Water. No doubt we will have an encore when they return to redo the job they mucked up which has left the village without water

As we headed into Tentsmuir this evening on a single track road just about a car and half wide with grassy banking, we saw two cyclists coming towards us. Thinkng nothing of it we carried on at a slow pace. The cyclists were side by side. Naturally, as we cannot squeeze the car to half its width we expected the cyclist to drop to single file. Oh no not them. They came towards us side by side with the woman gesticulating wildly. Really? Cyclist do not own the road. Common sense should prevail surely? We were driving slowly, we passed them carefully and a simple bit of common sense would have avoided their angst.
In the interest of balance we had quite the opposite experience on the way back. I had stopped and got out to take a picture. A cyclist passed us. We then carried on. When he reached a passing place he pulled in and waved us by. How polite was that?. Just goes to show there is good and bad everywhere and it is quite wrong to make sweeping generalisations.

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