A Peep Thru the Pinhole

By Brian1943

Birthday breakfast

A strange day - my first birthday without my beloved soul mate. I started the day feeling very unhappy and sorry for myself, but snapped out of it and in the end had a very enjoyable day. Friends, family, Facebook - all had a very positive input to the day, which led me to feeling on a high.  Even as early as breakfast (the blip) I was OK. Mostly.

Why mostly? Well I decided to treat myself do breakfast in Clementine's, one of several cafés in Bewdley. Knowing it had been sold, I had wondered if the new proprietors were yet installed, or whether the transaction was still ongoing. Once I got in I saw a familiar face - one of the lady owners . She mentioned that actually it was their last day and that they were in the process of handing over the café. There was a tremble in her voice. She mentioned that she was sad to be leaving her "lovely customers" some of whom had "passed on" during their tenure. I said, "Yes, my wife was one of them." She responded that she knew Liz, of course, and that she really was a "lovely lady" who (despite her terminal cancer) never complained and was always cheerful. (Yep, that's my Liz.)  A small and hardly noticeable (I thought) tear came to my eye, then I took my "on-the-house" coffee and went to my table.  I popped back in for something (can't remember what) and told her, with a cheerful smile, that there had been a slight tear when she spoke about Liz but she wouldn't have noticed. It turns out she did notice, and had a tear in her eye too, at the thought of this being the last day of running Clementine's.

I like(d) that café and hope that it maintains its standard under new management. Breakfast, by the way was what you see in the blip image but was preceded by a bowl of hot porridge with maple syrup. Lovely!

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