Easter Road

The sort of day my job was made for....

Out on a bike, in sunny weather, with little enough breeze save enough to keep you from getting too warm. With a liberal sprinkling of tea stops between having to do work. (Got to keep the fluid levels up in the sunshine, m'lud)

Scooted around my 15 stops / 19 miles in good order.

I had hoped to position a Cigsprop into one I have in mind in Stockbridge, but sometimes even I come up short.

So plan B. Easter Road; I've been cycling past this one for eons now. Black paint on roller shutter door. No date, frills, anything. A learner Cigs (my 4 year old can now write his name and the only other word he can write so far? Yup... Cigs...)

Bad bad parent.

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