Little Gem.....
........holding on for dear life, I was lucky to get this one as it was not long before it dropped and it had the wobbles.
We had a little bit of rain overnight, just enough to dampen the garden and then some more during the day. It's been mild and calm with a real autumn feel.
People were out and about with jackets and boots but very few umbrellas were up, many preferring to make a dash for it if needed. Cafes were busy but no-one was sitting outside, smells of savouries and soup filtered through the air on passing.
I had a spruce up at the hairdressers, it was busy and noisy with chatter and hairdryers on. The talk was about our newly installed traffic lights, a first for our small town which come with many pros and cons, mostly cons in my mind.Traffic flow through our main shopping street is not flowing at all with the traffic lights, many cars backed up with nowhere to go but time will tell whether it was an efficient move installing the new lights or not.
Easy tea tonight, sit back and hopefully catch up with your journals. I've been trying to comment during the evenings with the use of my tablet but come 8pm onwards it won't load your blips. I used to have this problem before the new servers were installed, then all was fine until polaroid/blip changed hands, its like two steps back one step forward - I wonder if any others are having the same problem?
Happy Tuesday everyone :)
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