Farewell to Hyskeir
Here's oor ex-Commodore, on his lovely boat for the last time; he's flogged it off to the fellah behind him, and they were just heading out for a trial spin.
I meanwhile, was toodling over to my boat to pick up some tools and then get that gorgeous new LCD masthead light fitted. Lovely evening sunlight, and it's always very enjoyable to be the last one beavering away in the yard. Being inspired by all things boatie, once home I sat down at the bureau and got the club books up to date.
I see the news is also awash with news of boats; boats all too often sadly awash. Strange that in the middle of an election, while we're exposed to endless politicking on wir tellies, that our politicians are giving this one a neat sidestep. Or not.
Hey! 1902 entries! There's a number with a certain resonance.
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