Da Cottage

It's been a wonderful day of sunshine and blue skies :)  Lovely and warm when in a sheltered sun trap :)

It's been a fairly quiet day in the museum with the fine day but always plenty to do to keep me busy.  I had to set up for an event tonight and then I even had to take in a donation of stuffed birds, I got a few strange looks when I was pushing them into the museum on the trolly.  After tea and straight out into the sunshine with Sammy.  I've had a lovely walk about Cunningsburgh and chatted with various folk along the way.  Off to work in the pub tonight.  It's usually busy when the sun is out!

With the fine morning, it gave me the chance to get the gansey out on the jumper board to dry and stretch.  Think I need to get my roof painted too and a general spruce up for the coming summer :)  Those pesky clouds in the background soon vanished.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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