Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A walk up Binsey

Took Misty and her friend for a walk up Binsey late this afternoon.  This is also the first time Misty has responded to the "stay" command, woo hoo!  Of course it could be a fluke :)   The large fell on the right is Skiddaw.

At the bottom of the fell the farmer had put up a large board saying "Dog owners, due to several incidents please keep your dogs on leads.  Any dogs seen chasing sheep could be shot.  Anyone seen with their dogs off the lead will be asked to leave the fell"   Its a shame he had to resort to this and I can't understand people letting their dogs chase sheep!  Misty was of course on the lead even though she wouldn't chase.  I did take leads off for the photo shoot, ssshhh don't tell on me :)

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