
By kas18

Bit Of A Shock

Nothing too serious but I did have a shock when I got on the scales at fat club today. OMG what have I been doing. I put on so much in just one week. Anyone would think it was Christmas. But I've gone right back to basics today. Plenty of water, portion control and follow my paleo way of eating 100%. This is what works for me. My sweet tooth has got the better of me lately and it showed today.
I've made a really nice lentil and spinach soup for my tea tonight, as I need something filling, but not heavy before my swim session later.
Managed to have a nice healthy lunch out with a friend too. Fish and salad and refused the chips that should have come with it, and washed it down with sparkling water. I can be good when I need/have to. I knew it was going to be bad on the scales today as I could feel it when I ran this morning. Maybe it was a good thing the breakfast didn't arrive yesterday....it might have been someone trying to tell me something.
At home I found these sweet little flowers among the weeds. I'm sure they are flowers....they look too pretty to be weeds. I've no idea what they are but I do like them....any ideas anyone.

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