It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Homeward bound!

Being an outdoor lot, we had a run planned for the morning and headed back to the nature reserve. Fortunately, Izzy didn't have off-road trainers so heading into the wilds wasn't an option. That really suited me as I wanted a bit of a tempo run for a change, rather than clambering over rock, through trees and schwelching through peat bogs! Gotta say, we all worked quite hard!

We then went back to the apartment for lunch, packed up and headed back to the metro. Rosemary and Izzy were decamping to a new hotel, hosted by their potential sponsor and I was heading back to Manchester. A slight panic ensued as we tried to circumnavigate a large rocky hill standing between us and the hotel. There was no way through so we followed MY initial suggestion as to the way to go and found the hotel quickly after that!

No more excitement! I waved goodbye at the central station and to my flight home. 

I loved Sweden. I loved their integrated transport system which results in people not using cars needlessly.  I loved how there appeared not to be an obesity epidemic despite a huge amount of cake being readily available. I liked the cleanliness, even in the 'hood' and feeling safe.

It's a social democratic society with high taxes. The result seems to be a healthy, educated and content(ish) society. Our politicians who think low taxes are a good thing should travel to Sweden!

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