Taxi to the Rescue!

My last day in Kyoto... I hoped it would be a beautiful place and it didn't disappoint. I got together with Johanna, the young Swedish woman I met on Saturday in Nara, and we wandered around Gion, the area known for traditional Japanese housing and architecture and Geisha.

Sunday in Gion appeared to be all about dressing up and taking pictures. These two beautiful young women in kimonos had a ball arranging themselves around the sakura blossoms. Over on Flickr there are Geisha in training (known as maika), a young couple getting married (or posing - honestly not sure), some foreigners like us all dressed up in traditional dress for the day who practically squealed with delight when I asked to take their photo... It was much fun and a photographer's playground.

Later on J and I wandered over to the Silver Pavilion and it was lovely the second time, too - a special atmosphere and the air was sweeter. Time was ticking on so I availed myself of taxis to get me back to my hotel and then over to the train station. The Shinkansen train was a breeze and the subway was easy.

And then the fun and games began. I clearly used up the battery in my portable wifi thingy because when I emerged from the subway I had no internet and wandered around for a good long while in the darkness of nighttime Tokyo trying to find the flat I had rented through airbnb. Why hadn't I chosen a hotel? I asked two strangers and then just got in a taxi. The taxi driver hadn't a scoobie where it was but did have sat nav. He went out of his way to make sure I found the apartment, practically taking my luggage to the front door. I had a hard time trying to get him to accept a tip. Taxi to the rescue!

I take back my comment on Saturday's blip that I'm not as adventurous as young Johanna - she's been accompanied by friends and then met me. In her trip she'll have four days fending for herself. I've had a few longer than that on this trip....

All's well that ends well. The bed in my flat is the most comfortable so far.

Many, many thanks for the kind comments, stars and hearts for Saturday's blip. You guys make me so grateful to be part of this community. Thank you.


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