Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Window with a view of Venice

An ipad sketch I made while bored on the flight from London to Seattle (I think it was early TODAY--in Venice anyway?-- but not sure…:-))     This is the view from our our bathroom window in the airbandb apartment we had in Venice for 6 nights.  I highly recommend this company, as our host met us at the vaparetto and showed us all the stuff nearby in our very quiet Dorsoduro neighborhood, and even printed out our boarding  passes the last night.   A great cozy 2 bedroom 4th floor walkup (good for the flights of stairs  on the fitness thingy on the iPhone), our only complaint (from the 11 year old) was the very spotty wifi - but it was a problem for the building and also our host who just shook his head and said he’s been waiting and waiting for help from the internet company, but “that’s Italy”!   To be honest, I very much enjoyed being away from the computer —managed to post a photo everyday, sometimes from the restaurant we had dinner in, sometimes from my phone, slowly.  But I do feel like I missed stuff on blip and will get connected soon, I promise!   Appreciate all of you who stopped by, (and got no comments back,!) for the grandchild adventure to Venice this week —
 I did backblip our last day yesterday (saturday ) just now with Venetian BOATS! HERE

A succesful trip... I learned that 11 year old girls text their friends constantly, or play games on that phone.   She put up very well with old grandparents, one of who was often trying to impart information from the guidebook in his hand.  She absorbed a lot, while sometimes just needing to skip by herself on the odd patterns of stones in the old churches.   She existed on pizza and plain pasta with parmesan and one cheese sandwich -as well as Corn Flakes, bakery pastries, and fruit  for breakfast and lots of sprite while we had our espressos...she's pretty grown up and self sufficient but brought her teddy bear and special little pillow  to sleep with. She dealt with washing that hair once and the time consuming part- combing out the tangles, -by herself. We tried to learn some Italian phrases - it's her first time in a country of another language  which she thot was "stressfull"... she got very good at the map and directions. (thank goodness! as I think I got worse...even with a phone that follows where one is on the map) ).. and seemed to take it all in, quietly.  She had her book  to read  for school and wrote in her journal - no problem finding things to do!    I'm sure we'll hear more for a long time to come.

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