No. 3

Exhausting day clearing up the dust and dirt. My sister has been helping - she is such a Slave-driver!  Whilst I'm a Dreamer she's a Doer. She's just left to drive back home to Glasgow where she is baby-sitting for one of her daughters this evening!  Such energy!  Still on the chimney breast theme then for a blip! This number-plate was made for me as a present by the brickies mate, Mark, on their last day.  It is made from the slate that made up the old hearth.  The original number was painted on and he thought I should have a more permanent one.  This is the first time a workman has given me a present - it's usually the other way round. Actually, since they are both going to Spain in July I gave them each some Euros from my kitty so we were all happy. So here I am with a Number-plate with a history:-)

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