No time to waste?

By jt

Deep in Conversation

Daniel and his Great-Grandad. The resemblance is definitely still there....

Our last day was a quiet one at home with Grandad, then off to the overnight boat, via some very mini Shetland ponies. A couple of times a year the ferry goes round the islands of Bressay and Noss, famous for its cliffs - something to do with keeping the pilot's licence up to date. We were lucky enough to be on one of those trips, so had great views of the cliffs with hundreds of gannets, fulmars, razorbills and guillemots in the sea and flying around us. Later we got nice views of Sumburgh Head, and as we were in the same cabin (though a different boat) we could see west to Fair Isle as the sun set - truly beautiful.

Shetland Holiday day 6. If you'd like to see some more of my shots from the holiday, follow this link.

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