
Last day of our holiday, which has been absolutely amazing. I had a rather negative view of the Lake District from previous experiences (mainly involving being in Ambleside when it's been really busy) but this has been one of my favourite holidays ever. After we left the cottage today, we drove to Cartmel. After another cafe interlude, we visited the Priory. Later on in the year they are having lots of activities to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. I bought a children's book for Orla explaining what it is. There was a food market on, so we had a wander aroud the stalls and some of the shops. We'd packed a picnic for lunch and ended up back in Grange-over-Sands to eat it, which let Orla and Conor go back to their favourite playground. We said goodbye to Gran and Papa and set off for home. As a special holiday treat, we stopped off at Burger King at Abington for dinner.

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