My Heart has Called Me Closer to you..

Well, this has been a day and a half. 

We got up at a reasonable time this morning, Si had his worky head on... chop wood, rip fencing... We also had to visit cattery for "checking out visit". 

As we contemplated who had made the mess beside the drain beside the bins,  - I thought he had done it, he thought I had done it. I ran in for a pee.  And we figured out what was wrong.  There was a flipping blockage in the pipe. 

Si lifted the drain cover; oh dear god. I said "oh dear, what is that, toilet paper?" and he said, "well what do you think the other things are?"   I was at a loss, i had no idea.  He soon put me right. 

We decided there and then that it was a professional job.  I headed in and called Dynorod.  The man on the end of the phone said "hello British Gas".  

Oh my, oh my, I was so excited.  

So, so excited. 

"I have home cover" I said.   And Louis went away to check.  Louis came back after 2 minutes and said "You do indeed, we can get someone out to you in four hours, no charge, no excess". 

Oh my god, I was nearly crying down the phone. I was so happy. 

We had to leave and get to visit the cattery, but Louis promised me that the man would phone when he was on his way.

We flew to the cattery and oo'd over the pretty kittehs, and laughed at the mole deterrents :-)  As we left, there was a call.  Dynorod man was there, 20 minutes we said, 20 minutes. and flew back home. 

When we arrive; Job was done.  poo was all gone, drain was flowing like a river 5 ft under ground. 

I could have hugged him, but I was slightly concerned that he might be a little poo'y.  I offered him a cuppa tea, but he declined, saying he had loads o other jobs to do. 

Then, we shopped; and bimbled, came home and we started on the garden.   He removed all the wire, I cut the edging with a pair of scissors, then i meditated for an hour while he chopped wood.  Which is when the burnt face happened. 

Then he rested,and I painted. I painted the whole of the other side of the fence.  

And then we ate. 

In the garden, 

with wine, 

and beef stroganoff. 

It was lush. 

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