Day Three

Today we woke even earlier and tried to get to breakfast to beat the rush. We failed. It was madness, but at least we were prepared this time! Olivia has developed her own little routine and goes off with her tray selecting her cereal, croissant and a couple of packets of nutella to put on her toast - I think she will remember this holiday for her perfect breakfast as much as Disney itself!

We headed to Disneyland determined to get on the Buzz Lightyear ride, as it was closed due to technical problems yesterday. We queued for approx. 10 minutes only to hear the announcement that the ride was now closed due to technical problems! As it's impossible to predict how long it will take to solve the problem we headed to Autopia as the rumour was that they were opening this ride early. I'm not sure they did as we seemed to wait a long time. However it was a fun ride although I was partnered with Olivia and I let her steer whilst I controlled the pedal - she was a terrible driver as it was one of the bumpiest rides I've ever done. We giggled our way through it trying to catch Neil and Dex who were in front of us. Note to self: Do not try and teach Olivia how to drive when she is older. I will happily pay a professional!
We then used our fast pass to get onto the Buzz Lightyear ride which was great - we all loved it.
* Phantom Manor: We were a bit worried about Dex but another family with younger children told us it was fine. To be honest it was a bit dull and not what we were expecting!
* Goofy's Gardern Party parade: We had a great spot by the castle and the parade was magical. I gave Olivia my old small camera a while ago and she has been loving taking photos here.
* An explore of Sleeping Beauty's Castle: the views from the top of the steps were great.
* Les Voyages de Pinocchio: this had a very short queue but was a sweet ride for the kids.
* Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs): Another short queue and just like the last ride. 
* We tried to use our fast pass for Thunder Mountain only to discover that the ride was closed due to technical problems! Come on Disney - sort it out! We had a wander through Frontierland and stumbled across Donald Duck giving out autographs which was great as there was hardly anyone waiting.  A few minutes later we discovered Pluto having a walk through the park - he was super playful with the kids as there was hardly anyone else there so I got some good snaps.
We then headed to the  Pocahontas Indian Village playground for a while waiting for the tech problems to be sorted out. It didn't happen and time was ticking on so we headed back to the hotel for another tactical late afternoon nap as it had worked so well yesterday.

Nice and rested we headed back into the park and saw the Disney Magic Parade, however we didn't have a great spot so we headed to Plaza Gardens Restaurant which we had booked for our evening meal. It was delicious. From here we headed back to Thunder Mountain only to find that  it was still closed. However we were told that we could use our fast passes at anytime tomorrow so not to worry. Hope it's fixed by then!
Neil took the opportunity to go on the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril roller coaster (Olivia was too small for this ride much to her dismay!) whilst the kids and I explored Adventure Isle which had secret coves and pirate hideouts. They loved the wobbly bridge most of all and ran over it again and again, but Dex really didn't like the caves as he found them too scary.
We then went on the Buzz Lightyear ride again as it was a favourite with Dexter and Neil!

Another great, sunny day despite the technical problems.

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