
By OzGeoff

Hawthorn Canal

I thought this would turn out a little better but that's the best i can do for today.
Hawthorn Canal, which runs into Parramatta River, was completed in around 1890.  A ferry service ran for a short while until it became silted up. The canal was built to address a major pollution problem resulting the from piggeries and meat works in its catchment.

Today I was to assist with a bike ride along the Greenway but it all went a bit pear-shaped due to some confusion.  Fortunately, I was the only one of the twenty participants that was affected.

I finished cutting and laying the remained of the sheets for my deck.  Really pleased as it is a very dusty task and rain is forecast.  They are covered by a couple of tarpaulins so they should be OK until I waterproof them.  

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