jeni and the beans

By themessymama

730 blips - fingerpaint making

730 blips, no gaps, some rubbish, very occassionally no journal to go with it. Addiction, I think so. I love that I have recorded two years of life with my boys! I hope that it is something worthwhile. I need to find a realistic way of making a hard copy, one that won't break the bank....

I'd love to have had the time to sit and go through all 730 blips to pick out my favourites.

Instead I made finger paints and got messy with Ben :D Who for some reason wasn't keen on messy fingers today. Odd.

Charley has eaten well today. A very balanced, varied diet. Porridge and strawberries at breakfast, a massive chunk of leftover pizza crust at lunch, followed by a strawberry, toast with low-salt marmite and cream cheese, a strawberry, and a chocolate finger for tea, and chicken, sweet potato mash, yorkshire pudding, and strawberries for dinner. He's offered pretty much whatever we're eating. And he goes for it! His current vocabulary consists of blau blau blah, and ma ma which I don't know if he's attempting mama or more. Probably more....

For those of you with very young children, this next bit may interest you: I hope that you will cheer the successes with me, and send consolatory vibes where needed. If you are eating, don't read it. :)

Charley has successfully made the transition from runny yellow breastmilk poos to solid tip-them-down-the-toilet poos. I say successfully because he has not shown any of the signs of constipation or other tummy pains that Ben suffered from so greatly at this stage. It's taken about four weeks! Today I dug out the little potty for Charley. If I keep an eye on him during nappy-free time I am thinking about sitting him on the potty to do his poos. This little potty really is little. It fits Charley's tush, just. It's perfect for a bit of EC'ing, really! Not that he actually used it after all that. And we weren't paying attention this evening either. Oh well. There's always tomorrow!

Just seen my "day after 365" retrospective! Thought I'd include a backlink in here :)

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