
By stuartjross

Fishnish to Lochaline Ferry; The Loch Fyne

Our work concluded on Mull today. It was an awkward project on some very rough ground and I'm pleased the site work element is now complete. Getting home from Mull is a remarkably awkward and time consuming trip which the actual road miles alone don't convey. Heading in the Lochaber direction there are two ferry crossings; Fishnish to Mull and Ardgour to Corran. You are very unlikely to complete your business on Mull and drive straight on to a ferry and in the worst case you could miss the Fishnish ferry by five minutes and be stuck for another two hours (or indeed over night if it was the last of the day). The Corran crossings are more frequent but get it wrong and you could be delayed another half an hour.
Anyway this is the welcome sight of the Loch Fyne coming in to Fishnish with the Morvern Peninsula in view on the other side of the Sound of Mull

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