Diaphonous Sun Beams

A quick glance in the mirror after a long day at work confirms that today I have been hit by the Ugly Stick . Also the Shagged Out and Shattered Stick and last but not least the Speaking Utter Shit Stick
( this is a whole new level from yesterday's nonsense).

Busy day started with a 10k run with my mate Stephen on the canal . He is a much better runner than me and talks about our runs as if we are really just having a gentle stroll and he keeps asking if I want to up the pace. What he fails to realise is that we ARE running at my best pace, maybe he doesn't see my hooking myself up to a ventilator and the adrenaline every half a mile . It's good though as he is increasing my stamina.

I followed all that with a full day at work where the " half a day training package" I have been sent is actually 289 ( yes 2 8 9 ) modules long!!! Brilliant !

Left work to start my ten days off with a long walk for a blip none of which came out right, Just as I thought I was heading for blipping my
nostril or skirting board or toothbrush then the sun came out to play.

It's not my best shot but it has something about it and is far prettier than the sight I saw when I looked in my mirror so think yourselves luckily it wasn't a self portait tonight.

It's all good really just have that heavy limbed, bleeding eyed, feeling shakey kind of tired but I have 2 hours with a sofa, some chocolate, some wine ( what a surprise ) and some peace before the girls come home after a week away.

Will try to catch up later you lovely people as I am a little behind with comments.

Placebo ( apropos of nothing )

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