
By SC26

The Trail

Work commitments meant I had to move my day off to today; the hottest day of the year by far! It was incredible- an unseasonable 22 degrees of sunshine and brilliant blue sky. Mum came over and we went for a walk in the sun along to Whitehouse Beach for a relaxed picnic sat on the grass. Everything feels so much more positive in the sun. When we got back to mine, we dragged the deckchairs down but only lasted for quarter of an hour before we got too hot and were forced back inside! Unfortunately I had to go in to work for a meeting which somewhat put a dampener on the afternoon. I did manage to squeeze in an ice cream in the park before and met Mum after for dinner and a trip to the theatre- we hadn't been in ages, and the show was surprisingly great. We may have got another interval ice cream too, oops.

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