The Alpine Club

Apparrently it is an honour to be in the AC.
As you pay for membership I'm not so sure, but there is a (fairly) stringent criteria and you have to submit a climbing cv, so maybe?
I am however still proud to be associated with the club. I love its long history, the achievements of its illustrious members and how active and vibrant it still is on the world climbing stage. I genuinely look forward to each year's journals landing with the resounding whack of a hardback book each January.

One of the 'perks' of membership is access to the world famous (well to climbers) library and art gallery, and also the chance to stay in the London bunk house. So down in London for work I thought I'd forgo another faceless corporate hotel and stay at the club.

Turns out the library is currently 90% closed and the bunkhouse is actually bunkbeds in a corner of the basement. Oh well, there's a shower, kitchenette and more climbing guidebooks than you could read in a lifetime. And Shoreditch it turns out is buzzing.

Really poor internet access however, so few comments, hopefully some stars & I'll catch up with your journals soon.

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