
By TheBigCheese1

Thank you for that, Ernie.

After a long, but good, day at work, I was struggling to think of what to blip. Having taken no photos at all, I tried to conjure up ideas whilst sat/lying on the sofa - not a snifter. I even asked The Dopski to 'style' my hair with clips etc in a desperate attempt - but no joy there either.

Then there came a scratching at the front room door and a rather proud sounding miaow. The Dopski opened it to let Ernie in and said "He can't come in, he's got a mouse!". This was quickly followed by me saying, "Well shut the door then!". After a couple of minutes, curiosity got the better of The Dopski and she opened the door to have another look. Ernie came in, looking smug, and she said "He's not left much, only some blood and a shiny heart thing" and went back to watching the tv.

Thank you for my blip, Ernie. Much appreciated.

(Getting down on my hands and knees and scrubbing the blood off the kitchen floor was not quite as welcome though).

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