Odd weather day. Gloomy, heavy kind of start, then bright light sunshine, then clouds, then rain. I think it just felt odd because my normal "there's a storm coming" feelings are muted by all the blocked orifices (sorry Lesley, holes sounds worse somehow) so it was rather a surprise when the kids confirmed that the the very odd tinnitus I could hear was in fact thunder.
More garden work, some admin and, after clearing the jungle from around my fig tree, a long hot mid-afternoon bath. And why not.
Mr B is currently somewhere above all that rain, due to land soon in Barcelona for the long long drive home. Meanwhile that early bath has quite upset my routine (that's why not) so now I feel like bed straight away. However, there is fudge to be baked for CarbBoy's holiday teacher, and then all the ironing TallGirl didn't get to today. It was her first time ironing... I can't believe I left it so late. She was horrified to hear that I might ask her to do it again (practice makes perfect). Still, it might make her less likely to dump clothes straight from the ironed pile to the floor, and thence in short order to the laundry basket. We'll see.
Diet? What diet? Duck and chips tonight.
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