
By wsjohnson

"When you're alone and life is making you lonely"

Lord, how I once loved Petula!!!!

(course I was like 12 - or so - and listening to a "voice", not that black-n-white telly images mattered; much)

Any whoo, She decided to take me to breakfast in town this morning, so off we went searching in absolute vain for a "full English" including Black Pudding! Her treat!

HA !!!!! (Should have known there would be a catch)

Black Pudding, featured prominently on every breakfast menu in Warwickshire, is like, EEEEWWWW!! really, you want THAT with your eggs? REALLY!?!?

In Marin I guess they lack the delicate taste and breakfast sophistication of Leamington Spa

("Royal" Leamington Spa, if being correct, thank you Queen Victoria)

So no, a "full English" was unfortunately not to be had. Nor, by way of reference, was a "full Scottish" although, Haggis was not as 'yuck' inspiring, or unheard of, as me 'black pudding'!

So a 'typical' American was settled for, at Denny's no less!!! Oh well, three months till Leamington . . .

Okay, the photo, apparently, there's one architectural firm someplace in 'Middle America' that is making a ton of money, since all little towns and hamlets all look quite similar!

And here, in California, they make sure to include (by way of importing) towering palm trees!


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