Hungry Great Tit
Lovely wee birds these, all the birds in our
garden are starving at the moment, I guess
hunting for food for their young takes it out
of them. LargeI must say sorry for not commenting much
yesterday, I was in the middle of doing so
when the bloody internet went off somewhere
no idea where, checked the fone...dead I thought
fuck it oh not not again,Im sweary again oops anyhoo it was
off till just now, the digger driver again, I was
going to go over and give him a piece of my mind
then I rem,embered I don't have much left, so I
had better keep what Ive got :-))))
I went out and bought one of those dingly dongal
thingys, but at least I will be able to take it away
with me, if we get away this year !!!!
Oh and BT said they have temp fixed the line
they have to come back next week, because they
caught the cows chewing the cable, jeeeeso it
all happens here in the country.
Hope your all having a braw day.
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