Travelling Man

What to say? That sleeper didn't work out so well. The guard banged his way up and down at 6am to say we'd broken down at Northampton. Well, I got to the meeting at 10am. By early afternoon I was struggling to concentrate and keep my eyes open. A dose of the 'jacks' as Endersin and I call these attacks of momentary great tiredness in the office of an afternoon. So called after a colleague of ours who used to have a regular afternoon nap at the office. He managed to keep his head totally erect while fast asleep! No floppy neck for him. Almost Darwinian in his adaptation to the office environment.
Of course, he wasn't actually called Jack. He was called Alan. But office humour demands that anyone with the surname of Russell be given that name.
So, back to Embra and up to the diggers where MrT made a welcome reappearance after weeks of intravenous ABs. Apparently it was all a misdiagnosis! And F and family arrived from some gig. A top blues bloke (allegedly) whose entire UK tour was London, Newcastle and... Bathgate?

Gawd, I'm getting long winded. Would you like to get a word in?

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